Susan Fox Hirschmann:
art pottery

Susan Fox HirschmannThe Mixed Media Process - The creation of art has been a long-life passion for me. But when introduced to clay in 1979, the real adventure began. Since then, I’ve explored wheel thrown clay forms, both porcelain and stoneware, transforming them sculpturally, by multi-dimensionalizing them with fiber. Each design blends texture, color and balance, inviting the imagination to question, dream, explore and enjoy. It is for this reason that I believe my work has been so enthusiastically accepted.

Each piece is formed on the “potter’s wheel”, then given much attention to details with hand building and carving. The six week process includes two slow firings. After the first one, many glazes are airbrushed on each piece and high fired to 2400 F.

Then the natural fibers of South Asian reeds are individually hand dyed. In the paper making process, cotton and linen are beaten with water to create a pulp and placed in a vat, where a screen (mold & deckle) is run through collecting the pulp. The water is drained forming a sheet of paper. Each sheet of paper is sculpted or pressed, dried and airbrushed with multiple acrylics. Lastly, each design achieves its final composition, as handmade paper reeds and often bamboo or other vines, are incorporated into each. Airbrushed or brush painted silver leaf and lusters are applied giving each design its own, ethereal quality.

Susan Fox Hirschmann

Susan Fox Hirschmann
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